Mon 27 Jan
BellaToni 34DDD Escort OR Massage/Bodyrub NEWVID toys,fetish reviews Lets play Wed&Th; ava 4 fun - 39
(Columbus, North Cbus now off 71)
♡*• ↓🐁BeAuTiFuL↓ E¥e CanD¥ •*♡ 【TOP NOTCH】 【#1 MOST Wanted 】 ¤AVAILABLE NOW¤ 📞 - - 20
(Columbus, dublin)
**AVAILABLE** 🎁💦 Sweet 🍦🍭 as HEAVEN 👼☁ But Badd as HELL 😈🔥💰 - 24
(Columbus, Nice North Side Incall Only)
ALLYSSA *fun*guaranteed to pleese 100 special - 25
(Columbus, 71 Morse/Sinclair outcall available also)
((A-1🍆M•out•h👅Skills)) 😱😨 "Big B👀ty" 😱😨 Splashy💦Fun❕((🎊$70 Special🎊)) - 26
(Columbus, {GOOGLE ME } 614*500*1596 EAST INCALL)
AAA+++Columbus Ohio's best adult entertainment at it's finest! All New Pics!!
(columbus outcall only- statewide service)
65 roses everyday and night quality deal 6149877500 incall and outcall always open - 27
(Columbus, North incall specials! or Outcall to u!)
(∩_∩) ☎ $50 Special ╰☆╮ [🎆🎌🎪🎠 ENJOY THE RIDE OF YOUR LIFE 🏁🎡🎢🎩] ╰☆╮ ♀ BEAUTY OF A GODDESS (∩_∩) - 21
♥️💋 Exotic Mixed Beauty 💟 Satisfaction Guaranteed ✔️ Your Favorite Upscale Provider 💋♥️ - 24
(Portland, Portland & Surrounding Areas)
__ SpEcIaLs!___ 💋 B E A U T I F U L / B L O N D E ! 💯 100% R e a l 💋 ___ Beaverton - 24
(Portland, SW Portland/ Beaverton)
SexyLiLSara in Vancouver lookin for a few hard one's .. 100. specials, - 40
(Portland, Vancouver, (mill plain))
~^*^~-, REAL PICS-~^*^~-, BEAUTY ON DUTY, -~^*^~-, Independant ~^*^~- - 22
(Portland, Portland airport)
~-*-~ PDX'S * FiNeSt -*- BluE * EyeD * HoTTiE * CoMiNg * With * BrOwN* SuGaR* BaBy * YuMMy ~-*-~ - 28
(Portland, PDX)
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◆ ◇ ◆ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ P R E T T Y • F A C E ◆ P E R F E C T • B O D Y ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬◆ ◇ ◆ - 23
(Portland, PDX (Surrounding areas))
Singapore May ### Hot Hot Sexy Body ### New! New! Outcall Only 253-238-1766 - 23
(Olympia, Outcall Only)
❤❤ Your Favorite Busty Blonde❤Highly Reviewed on TNA❤150HR Special❤ - 22
(Olympia, Lacey Incall/Outcall Everywhere)
I LOVE KISSING” and More ✨✨ ✨ & NURU✨▐▐▐▐▐ ✨ YOUNG✨▐▐▐▐▐✨CALL✨▐▐▐▐▐ ✨ 100%Japanese ✨▐▐▐▐▐ - 20
(DOWNTOWN = Olympia new open, Olympia)
NeW REDHEAD░ 💎 ░ 💎 ░ FiRST ✈ CLASS PLAYMATE ☜ 👑 ::: 💯% ReaL ! ░░ 5 🌟 STAR SerVice ! ░ 💎 ░ 💎2 GIRLS ░ - 19
(Olympia, Outcall All over!)
Hi my name is Honey and I'm super sweet. 100% Asian and new in town. 7866915624 - 25
(Olympia, olympia , tumwater , lacey and surroundi)
Sexy Tina, Ready To Provide A Memory Of A Lifetime! Independent Outcalls Only! - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, OUTCALLS ONLY)
SHAWNA... shawna... chocolate vixen caramel sexy legs dark coacoa Nipp:les shawna.. SHERIDAN & US1 - 40
(MY APT .. VERY QUIET ...shawna)
◆◆◆◆Sexy ONLY 80 for 2 Sexy◆◆◆◆Always Something New!!!! 40 • 40• 40 ♥Best 2 Girl Ull Ever EXPERIENCE - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, I 95 stirling rd /Hollywood)
~ SExY~ SEdUCtIvE~ FReAk! SpECials AlL D@y AlL NIghT!! THIcK C@R@MEL FR@PpE$$ - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, North/Fort lauderdale Oakland /broward)
Sexy Colombians and Brazilians as your companion today. Donation 150. Open till 12am. - 35
(Ft Lauderdale, pompano)
GUESS WHOS BACK??? CURVY , BUSTY, YUMMY Brunette 40DD BIG BOOTY +++80 h h Specials - 47
sexy *-:¦:- *Asa *-:¦:-** of *-:¦:-* Spades *-:¦:-* Incalls*-:¦:- - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, 31 commerical)
S* U* P* E* R----B U S Y U-P-S-C-A-L-E A G E N C Y NOW HIRING MODEL TYPE AGE 18-30 - 31
(Ft Lauderdale)
(((((( EARLY BIRD ?? ))))))) So am I !!!! __________ ((100 Incall Special )) - 29
(Portland, Incall off I-205/Outcall)
Russian thick as hell snow bunny outcalls only (305) 414-1652 - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood, Outcalls only)
«« Quality Upscale Compassionate Diva °*°Waiting To Ease Your Needs°*° More than a Playmate »» - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, Your place or mine commercial near 95)
PRETTY FACE SLIM WASTE ! SEXY SEXY SEXY ! YES ! available now and allnight long ! call me ! - 22
(sunrise n 441 PRIVATE APT)
+++ Limited Time Only +++ Leaving At Check Out Saturday +++ 2 Nights Left ! ! ! +++ - 24
(Macon, Incalls / Outcalls Under 30 Miles)
★♡★ COME ★ TAKE★ My ★ PANT¡ES ★ OFF !! ★ Perfect Ju¡cy Aşş ★ Cert¡fied Freak ★♡★ - - 24
(Macon, Available NOW 475 EXIT 3)
【BiT€ SiZ€ BaB€】 ✓【S€Xii FR€®K】 ✓ 【160 OUTCALLS!!】 ✓ INCALL ✓ 【EXOTIC BOMBSHELL】 ✓ 【AvAilable NOW】 - 19
(Portland, YOUR PLACE;-))