Thu 02 Jan
💞💕💞7868327911😘Quieres Quitarte El Stress💚💛💜Llama Karla☎️Para Masages👐Inolvidables🌈 - 27
(Doral, Doral AirPort Miami, Miami)
Disponible ahora💋Exuberante Latina Independiente Sandra W Flagler 79 Ave en mi Lugar te Espero - 30
(79 Ave West Flagler Street Mi Lugar, Coconut Grove, Coral Gables, Coral Way, Doral, Hialeah, Miami)
▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ ❤ (Y_O_U_R ) °•★•° (G_O_N_N_A) °•★•° (L_O_V_E__M_E) ❤ ▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ - 22
(Miami, kendall, westchester, doral)
(Miami, Your Place Along the Beach)
WIlD ..SEXY..HOT ..LaTinA BUSTY DD'S 100% Real PICS Real Woman 786 366-6208 - 32
(Miami, Miami Airport / South Beach / Brickell)
☠W :: A :: R :: N :: I :: N :: G☠ {{ EXTREMELY }} - S - E - X - Y☠ - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood)
❤ ♚ ♚ ❤ ♚ ♚ Sweet Sexy Latina ❤ ♚ ♚ ❤ ♚ ♚ * Brunette * Busty and ALOT of FUN..!!! - 24
(Miami, DADE & BROWARD ;)))
🇦🇻🇦🇮🇱🇦🇧🇱🇪 🇳🇴🇼💎💕💖💕🌟💖💛💖💛☆_S💨M💨O💨K💨 I💨N💨HOT🔥🔥 beauty - - 26
(Orlando, West Orlando I -drive/Flordia Mall)
√ SxXy and Swt CubaNita NIC & PTit___?¿¿¿? _____ GRaT SP©iALs RIGHT NOW √ - 19
(outcalls 2 u)
SuperSexy Skilled Sabrina Here in Miami Beach 954-658-8205 - 27
(Miami, Miami Beach, Normandy Drive/ South Beach)
♡SWEET TEmpTatioN♥ Thick HiPS♥SiMPLY__ AMAZiNG★80★»biG BooTY«« ★DOMiNiCaN★ V_ I_X_E_N 80 ☆SPcls - 21
(Miami, kendall (incall)...homestead/ fla city/)
SwEeT sExY eXoTiC fIeStY sPaNiSh ItAlIaN vIxEn** - 23
(South Beach, maitland altamonte apopka orlando)
***Sexy Chocolate**** Melt in your mouth 👄👄💋 - 24
(Orlando, Sandlake john young international Dr Ob)
**SW EETYM IAMI ** IN CALL** ( ( ( * * * 1 O O * * * ) ) ) - 21
((*G*) (*R*) (*3*) (*3*) (*K*) *SPECIALS*)
SEXY ®LATINA® here for only a short time so Call me if you wanna have sum fun ;p $80 special - 23
(Miami, Doral, Miami Airport INCALLS ONLY!!!)
Sexy Fantasy Best Body in Dade County. 50 special $$North Miami/ Miami Beach/ Bal harbor/ - 25
(Miami, North Miami)
😜💞👄👄💦💦Petite Latina Monica Hot Sexxy Ready For You Baby 😜💞👄👄💦💦 - 22
(Doral, Downtown, Miami, Miami Beach)
♡Penthouse, Maxim Centerfold ☆ Sexy Brazilian ☆Top Model♡ Visiting ☆ - 24
(Miami, Miami Beach, Miami Beach,Bal Harbour,Brickell)
Sweetheart with an Edge that is Sexy and Delightfully Uninhibited! - 19
(Daytona, Orlando, Space Coast, Treasure Coast, anywhere you want me!)
TENSION FREE TUESDAY!!! ~~*LAUREN *~~ Orlandos Well~Reviewed, Established, and Reputable Sweetheart! - 38
(NE Orlando)
PERFECT ➓ *♛ *iM sOOO ^! SEXY * *FLaWLeSs* *BoDy ♛ {{{1oO% real pics }}} - 20
!*★* TaStY*♡* EyE CaNdY*★ SiMpLy THE BesT *★ MiXed CuTiE* 100% Real Pics - 21
(orlando areas/// INN/OUT CALL READY NOW)
💎⬛️⬛️⬛️💎P E R F E C T 🔟 LaTiNAS💎⬛️⬛️⬛️💎REAL GiRLS💎◼️◼️◼️💎NeW UPDATED PiCS💎⬛️⬛️◼️💎 P E R F E C T 🔟 LATiNAS💎⬛️⬛️⬛️💎 - 23
(Miami, ◼️💎 NEW💎◼️ NEW 💎◼️ NEW 💎◼️ NEW💎◼️)
********************* TANTRIC *********** LOVE *********** THERAPY ********************* - 40
@ ~ @ ~ @ sweetest guilty pleasure @ ~ @ ~ @ SeXy BLONDE ;gt;t; here for you
T__H__E_ ~ *__U__L__T__ I__M__ A__T__E _ ~*((( Super SeXy)))~* _E__X__ P__E__R__ I __E__N__C __E - 20
My man dumped me and Kim needs to meet new guys - Avail Downtown Miami Weds 2/17!! - 99
(Downtown Miami)
Ms.. Sexy Candy 60/80 incall only best body in dade with all datt Assssss. - 25
(Miami, bunchpark nw 155 terr.)
////NAUGHTY GIRL'S //////NEW IN TOWN// -BUSTY-big breast and big round booty- today Special NOW - 36
NAsty College FrEaK lollipop! Big booty Goddess!!. No rush 60 - 22
(Miami, Miami Shores/North Miami)
---------- N*3*W ----- [[ G...F....E ]] ----- KiNkY exXxOtiC pLaYmaTe!! ---- - 22
(-=-=-MiAmi AiRpORt ArEa-=-=-=)
!!! N E W !! $60 S P E C I A L!!! N E W !!! P A R T Y G I R L !!! N E W $60 S P E C I A L!!!N E W!!! - 26
★Jennifer★ 305.492.0467 ☆Freaky Friday's☆ $$$100$$$$ special xxoo - 28
(Miami, In calls South Miami..South West)
~*~ VaNcOuVeR~*~ 60 INcall special~*~ FaCe Of aN AnGeL, BoDy Of a GoDdEsS~*~ - 28
Jessi ♋️ Im An Argentinian Babe😈 Professional Pictures🔥 786-641-1459 Im an outstanding masseuse - 25
(Doral, Doral, Airport, Miami)
## K I S S, C U D D L E, S N U G G L E, { M. A. T. U. R. E) S e D u C t R e S S - 48
(Miami, Miami Beach 60 Collins)
**** Its cold and outside but its WARM and inside call me NOW to heat thing UP !!!!!! - 22
(A1A/Commercial Ft Lauderdale)
Indulge Yourself Today! Special $130 in/out call 786-406-0531 / 786-715-3680 - 24
(Miami, Miami 42 av & 11 st Nw)
New In ToWn {$80 Special} {SpAniSh MiXed}{VeRY ADDiCTiVE} {GORGEOUS} { READY & WAITING} 321 200 2111 - 20